Arachné Vis Tranquilla

english setter (blue belton)
born: 29.1.2001
died: 29.4.2010
breeder: Dvorakova Vladimira, Koberkova 1264, Prague 9
breeding female
HD 1/1
22.06.2002 Kunratice - regional / intermed cl.: Exc. 1, Class Winner (Josef Nemec)
8.5.2003 Pan.Brezany - club/open: exc. 1, CAC (Dr.V.Novotný)
24.-25.1.2004 Trenčín - international / working: Exc. 1, CAC,CACIB, BOB (Stanovský)
2.5.2004 Pan. Břežany - club / working: exc. 2 (Píbl)
22.5.2004 Litoměřice - international / working: exc. 2
23.5. 2004 Litoměřice - special / working: exc. 2, Res.CAC
13.5.2005 Konopiště - special / working: exc. 1, CAC (Letroye)
21.5.2005 Litoměřice - international / working: exc. 2. Res.CAC
12.6.2005 Pan.Břežany - club / working: exc. 2, Res.CAC
Hunting exams:
25.4.2003 FT-Derby /solo: good 9 p. (Dr.V.Novotný)
18.5.2004 ZV Benešov: 1st prize 206 p. nose 4 (M.Turek)
29.7.2006 SZVP Prague 9: 1st prize 93p. (A. Auerbach)
19.8.2006 Memoriál Josefa Luxe Dubany: 1st prize, Res.CACT; 220 p., nose 4 (Dr.V.Novotný)
Arachné, called Asha, comes from kennel of our daughter in law - Vladimira Dvorakova. It is a daughter of top imported female "Livia od Benćića" out of her firt litter sired by Attila Hope (who is known for his at that time excellent working results and his movie career). The whole litter "A" was very succesful, at shows and at work. We have to stres male Anquilla, who represented several times our country at several competitons of europeen and world level.
Asha spent her first two years in Benesov, where she became a pet, then she came to our kennel. Here she had one litter registered in kennel of Mr. Vladimira Dvorakova (E - Vis Tranquilla) and now she is living in Konopiste pheasantry, where is she used in a practice. She is not the only one of her litter who is used as a professional hunting dog in a big pheasantry. Also her sister Argilla is used for working in Vrabsko pheasantry, Schwarzenberg dominion.
We hope Asha will keep her good condition and she will be able to enjoy hunts in pheasantry in Konopiste.
Unfortunately she did not, Asha died half year after surgery of cancer.
Ashas daughter, Elis, with her friends
rCACT at MJL in cathegory of english dogs
Arachné had a beautiful head
Asha in age of 8 years
Hunters equipment
On a hunt with her owner
daughter Enya
Ashas mother, Livia