Archie ze Smolinky /ARIS/

patterdale terrier
born 27.03.2003
breeder: Slavicek Josef, Hrusice 64, Tynec nad Sazavou
Owner: kennel "z Taranky"
2007 - IDS Prag / open cl.: exc. 3 (Z.Holmerova)
18.-19.04. 2008 IDS Ceske Budejovice / open cl.: very good (V.Ticha)
13.07.2008 II. Patterdalefestival Pforzheim - Germany /cl. VII: exc. 1 (Burns, USA, prezident PTCA)
The breed is not FCI recognized breed and therefore is not allowed to take park on any actions organized by CMMJ.
Arisek came to our kennel to get a good behavior. His owner is very often abroad and can not have a dog there. If he is in our country, he is using Aris for hunts. When Aris is at our place we take care about his show career and prepare him for hunts. Aris is very nice representer of his breed, which proofs also his result from patterdale festival in Germany. This is the biggest patterdale terrier action in whole Europe. There are allways many dogs entered and great judges are invited. Mr. R. Burns from USA was judging thre in 2008, he is the president of Patterdaleterrier Club of America.
Although Aris had this great success, his cup of tea is hunting.
In the end of 2008 he was badly hurt by a wild-boar, but beacuse of his resistivity - that is very specific for this breed, he is OK again.
Aris was registered as a stud male in Klub chovatelu terieru in the Czech rupublic. But even before he was registered in PTCA in USA because of his great succes on festival in Germany. We his qualities will be heired in next generations of PT.
2010: Aris has been twice seriously hurt while hunting. He allways found and blocked a big animal and as he blocks in contact ( or we can say fights as a gladiator!), he is in disadvantage. Thanks to God he is patterdale and he is fit now.
If you knew him from our place, you would never believe how hard fighter is he while hunting. In April Aris left his home and never came back.
Synchronized sleeping
nursing boy :)
I can also down, but it's boring..
Great condition
Proud hunter
Once I will get to the foxes.
When I was small
Patterdalefestival Pforzheim
judging in class
Aris seems to be as a fighter.
Aris - 1st place
Organizators with judge.
Mr. Burns
The best male
The best female became bitch of Mrs. Hodova from CZ.
Lat years descendants of Aris and Ramona Srdcové Eso were really nice:
Azkar a Aura