Chuck Vis Tranquilla

english setter (blue belton)
born: 16.6.2007
breeder: Dvořáková Vladimíra, Koberkova 1264, Praha 9
stud male
HD 0/0
17.5.2009 Club Show ČPSK Panenské Břežany / middle cl.: exc. 1 (L.S. Ivaldi, Italy)
15.5.2010 Club show ČPSK Panenské Břežany / working cl.: Exc. 2, Res.CAC (M. Bergnsson, Sweden)
hunt. tests:
4.5.2008 Budmerice /SK/: FT-Derby - exc. 1., 16p. (Nagy Zoltán)
9.5.2009 Benešov: ZV I.c, 228 b. (Turek Milan)
23.8.2009 Prague 9: SVP 1st prize 94 p. (Hruska Vladimir)
Chuck comes from kennel of an excellent trainer of english setters, Mrs. V. Dvorakova, who is our daughter in law. Chuck is son of very succesful female "Livia od Benćića", born in her last litter, sired by italian stud. It seems that all of her descendants will have a great working career. Chuck will propably not become a top trailer, as we are not physically able to handle to train him. But he is going to be an outstanding practical dog. He started to learn in last year season in pheasantry in Konopiste. This year (2009) he will take a part in test for hunting usability.
Chuck has a great style, what is very typical for setter trailers. He has also excellent character and passion for hunting and retrieving.
It is a young male, who starts his career.
He was first shown in 2010 and did well - at the show in Panenských Brezany won Res.CAC.
He also sired two litters.
2020: Chuck works in pheasantry in Konopiste up until this season. He left us forever 7th December 2020 at the age of 13,5 years.
Chuck is pointing
works in the water
very nice son, typical movement
I am beautiful
With half-brither who won over Chuck
Love of a dog
Chuck in his high speed
Hunter Chuck
Chuck in movie "Habbermannův mlýn"