Molly de la Plaine Marat

Epagneul breton
Born 24.01.2016
LOF 250268500985141
breeder: Gilles Pasty,
Duo CACIB Brno 2017 - Exc.1 /Jacques Goubie, F/
Club show Konopiště 2017 - Exc.1, CAJC /Ing. Leoš Jančík/
Specialty show 2018 Předhradí: Exc.1, CAC, Specialy show winner, BOS (Ahrens, A)
Hunting tests:
T.A.N. Brod nad Dyjí 2017 /Karel Šebesta/
St. Hubert Cup 2018 4th place
I got Molly from an excellent french breeder Mr. Pasty, whose dogs are continuously very successful at shows and competitions of french club. I was in his kennel to mate my bitch Therese, but unfortunately she did not become pregnant so I got one of his own bred puppies. Even though Molly is not daughter the male I used (Aldo des Sources Claires), her sire is also extraordinarily successful male.
Molly is very calm, inteligent and gifted bitch with natural retrieving. Already one year after her import she was retrieving in pheasantry.
Unfortunately my health condition got so much worse at that time and it did not seem to be possible for me to breed any more litters. That is why I gave Molly to my friend, a very passionate hunter and experienced breeder of many animal species. Because he does not have registered any prefix, Molly's puppies are bred under the prefix "z Taranky".