Odin z Taranky

brittany (white-black)
born 6.1.2007
breeder: Helena Dvorakova
stud male
HD 2/0
10.5.2009 Konopiste - Club Show / open cl.: very good 2 (Letroye-Lantin)
Club show Konopiště 2016: Exc.1, BOV (Letroye-Lantin, B)
Hunting tests:
10.5.2008 Benesov - Examination for hunting gift 1st prize 225 p. / nose 4
15.8.2009 Benesov - SPZV 1st prize 80 p.
5.9.2009 Benesov - Examination for hunting gift 1st prize 283 p. / nose 4
24.10.2010 Benesov - Pohár Sv.Huberta Konopiště 1st /86 p./
Odin, we call him also Kokes, is our next young perspective dog, descendant of Targui. He has a great hunting gift. We will see, what becomes of him in the future.
Kokes starts to behave like a real hunter. Hi is really fast and nice pointing, he is quite shard-minded to predatory animals. It may come from living with a pack of patterdale terriers. He showed his great abilities on one of the last hunts in Konopiste, where a wild-sow with babies run through hunters with dogs. It is very good change for dogs contrary to the pheasants, which are retrived by dogs whole season. Though none of the other dogs was able to separate an animal from the others, only Kokes did. He caught the pig and retrived.
During 200á and 2009 Odin made excellent results on hunting tests, where he has shown his girt of pointing and retrieving. We did never train retrieving hardly, Odin retrieves naturaly.
In autumn 2009 Odin was registed in Breeding register and we hope he will follow his father Targui and there will be nice descendants sired by him!
2013: Kokes was used for breeding already, his pedigree brought what was promissed and his children are really gifted for hunting.
In autumn 2010 we has hitten by a truck, luckily we only had to crop his tail.
In following years Kokeš had more matings out of which came some lovely offsprings. The most successful fo them is son Amore Furbel Céleste, whose mum is Viera z Taranky. In 2016 Amore was BOB at Club show and also Specialty show, he also won Novomlynske derby and passed Josef Lux Memorial in 1st merit with title Club Winner and together with his owner Mirek Horacek won on second day of St. Hubert's Cup in Konopiste.
Kokeš is still actively used in pheasantry and hopes for more offsprings.
March 2020: Odin, even though he has the same senior issues as his owners, successfully mated Loula de la Plaine Marat at the age of 13 years. Loula later whelped 5 strong puppies!
In September Kokeš's state was not good and due to his age (nearly 14 years) he left us forever 26th October. He rests in peace next to his sire Targui.
Kokeš 13 years
Kokeš 9,5 years

What are you doing in my brook?!

I am not growing to the beauty!



And there is ...partridge

Kokes and puppies are learing about the world

Kokes with brother

Kokes as toddler

With mum in background, Augie is among pupppies

4 months

Kokes points in each position.

Son Ajax
litter U z Taranky
Daghter Káťa was studying
Kokešík z Hory Blaník
Kokeše's daughter Fáňa
Amore and Azbó, two sons / Amore at St.Hubert Cup / Amore at show in Konopiste
Urience and uther
Kokeš's last litter sired at the age of 13 years. The pups were lovely!