Ch. Targui du Clos des Mélezes

brittany (white-orange)
born. 17.5.1995
breeder: Danielle Letroye, Belgium
stud male
Rtg. DKK 0/0
4.6.1996 World dog show Budapest / young cl.: exc. 1, HPJ, Junior Word Champion 1996 (De Clerq)
17.8.1996 CS Konopiste / winner class: exc. 1, CAC, Club winner, BOB, BIS (Ing.Dostal DrSc.)
26.4. 1997 IDS Ceske Budejovice / open cl.: exc. 1, CAC (Buba)
17.6.1997 IDS Praha / working cl.: exc. 1, CAC, Res.CACIB (Riha)
16.8.1997 CS Praha - Kunratice / winner cl.: exc. 1, CAC, Club winner (Dr.Nyvlt)
15.5.2004 CS Konopiste / veteran cl.: exc. 1, The Best Veteran (Letroye)
Hunting examinations:
18.5.1996 Examination for hunting gift Benesov: 1.cena, 194 b. nos 4
7.9.1996 Autumn exam. Benesov: 1. prize 224 p. nose 4
30.1.2004 St. Huberts Cup / 2nd place
When I was choosing Targui he was only few hours old. I got him as a gift, which should reduce my pain from loosing my imported champion O´Kapi du Clos des Mélezes. This gift was absolutely incredible - it was better than its precedessor in each way. He is not only a beautiful male but also great hunter, has excellent caracter and his descendants are on much higher level than avarage population of brittany in our country.
And even he is already an old dog, which is deaf, he is still used for breeding!
You can see his the most successful descedants in gallery below.
Targui left us in 24th April 2011 in nearly 16 years of age. He made a lot for czech breeding of brittany.
litter 2008 - in age of 13 years.
Ofelie z Taranky is very similar to her father.
Targui on show in Cesky Krumlov 2000
Targui - 10 years

Targui - 12 years

Targui - 13 years
Connie z Hory Blanik was exported to Belgium to bring back excellent blood of her father.
Ich. CZCh Cob z Taranky, which got title BIG, is successful son.
Ich JCh CZCh Ziko od Zemku is next son.
Ichb Iser z Taranky, daughter, was placed in championship of pointing dogs in practical hunting.
Hemma z Taranky has several show titles. In adition she is a great representator in agility.