Therese z Taranky

brittany (white-orange)
born 23.7.2010
breeder: Helena Dvořáková
breeding regsitered female
HD 0/2
8.5.2011 Konopiště - club/junior cl.: Exc.1, CAJC, BOB, BIS /Buba/
27.8.2011 Ml.Boleslav - IDS/junior cl.: Exc.1 /Buba/
15.10.2011 Milevsko - special/junior cl.: Exc.1, CAJC /Mgr. Ovesná/
Hunting tests:
16.9.2011 Bruntál - T.A.N.
8.9.2012 - Memoriál Josefa Luxe - 1st merit /216 points
This female was chosen by my grandson Lukas in order to have a puppy for play when he comes to visit us. He calles her "Tapka" (means "paw" in our language). She is very beautiful and live female. Her show premier was triumph and for sure she will go on. But we appreciate her hunting gift the most - she has very nice typical style of her breed. Lovely pointing and gift to retrieve are matter of fact. We will keep you updated about her results.
Ťapka worked in pheasantry, she gave us 5 litters of high quality. Especially litter "Z" sired by Borg Brevilaqua was extra ordinary. Only 3 puppies were born but all of them are active in breeding and very successful at shows and work. Ťapka's last birth was complicated and so she was sterilised.
She enjoyed her senior time in a ompany of her daughter Ulysée and granddaughter Matylda (Haricana).
In September 2021 she went over the rainbow bridge (kidney failure).