Zita z Taranky

Epagneul breton
brood bitch
Born 27.01.2015
Breeder: Helena Dvořáková
HD 0/0
Specialty 1.10.2016 Předhradí - Exc.1 (Ing. Vlasák)
Hunting tests:
1. 10. 2016 T.A.N. - passed
January 2017: Zita is a new additon in our kennel, I took her back from a trainer to use her for breeding as she is carrying interesting working line of Kéranlouan. Zita is lovely well ballanced girl, who only needed to be used in practice. Now she is being actively used in pheasantry ans she is enjoying it. As well as in Molly's case, also Zita's future is wide open. We will see how she will do.
In 2017 she gave us her first litter - "C" z Taranky. The most successful breeding of the litter is CORBENIK z Taranky, who is representing the breed at shows and hunting tests and we are looking forward to see his further performance. This years litter "F was great as well (both litters were sired by Leo de la Plaine Marat) and we are curious what the future will bring.
November 2018: Zita works very hard in pheasantry together with her future owner Mrs. Anezka Hrdlickova. She enjoys that and does a good job.
Zita moved from our kennel together with Anežka, who got married and lives now in Bohemian Highlands with her husband. Because Anežka has breeding ambitions she will need a good brood bitch.
Boys from litter F
Flora 4,5 months
Fennena 5 months
Fébé 5 months
Filemon pointing - 5 months
Camelot 4,5 months old at Scottish Highland
Confiance at the Alps
Camelot 1 year
Cailette - 8 weeks